
It took awhile after I received your book and your lovely note to actually start reading.

When I did, I was pretty stunned and quite inspired. It reads like a Rosetta Stone, with straightforward, plain English explanations of what’s bad and what’s good healthwise and why/how. 

The book is laid out well, the writing is crisp, clean and conversational. The lead-in “story” provides a lot of credibility and sense of “if she could do it, maybe I can do it,” especially the parts about convincing and converting your husband and kids and also the admissions of difficulty yourself with perfect compliance (eg chocolate, initially). The anecdotes/testimonials woven in about impressive physical and mental/emotional improvement in those who’ve switched over are compelling. The recipes are not overly complicated or detailed and contain helpful suggestions/alternatives. Photos are also well-done.

Most importantly, it’s enabled me to take action immediately by providing substitution lists, conversion how-to’s and prioritizing dietary items for change by relative health impact.

I am only about a third through the important early stuff — it’s “meaty” and takes awhile to absorb even for someone who’s been in medicine for 50 years and prided myself on what I thought was good dietary/nutritional knowledge. It’s hard to find on each page that much doctrinaire that I learned or was taught was, as Dr. Marik is so fond of saying, “It’s All sh_ _!!” Just one more bedrock institution or font of “knowledge” that’s totally corrupted and full of lies.

Anyway, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for what I know took years of your life and time from everything else in your life to compile and edit over and over. It is well worth it.  I will definitely be ordering more copies for family and friends. It’s a service to humanity to steer us, gently and practically, towards health and healing.

 – Dr. Barb Z.


“I’m going to tell you God’s honest truth. I think this book will really change how we go about doing things as far as our diet goes. It is full of excellent information. I learned so incredibly much! I finally understand the concept of ‘whole food,’ and I love all the information about cancer fighters and the healthy uses of nutritional yeast.” 

– Paula Chang, Intensive Care Nurse


“When I was diagnosed with stage IV kidney cancer, my wife and I were in complete and utter shock. Thankfully, we knew Pamela was involved in caring for people in our community and was praised for her talents not only as an excellent nurse but also for her knowledge of healthy eating for healing. I believe the dramatic changes in my diet and my faith helped me get where I am today – Happy, healthy, and cancer-free – for nearly seven years now.” 

– Ralph Knapp, President, Action Paving


“Wow! The information about the Blue Zones and the supercentennials fascinated me. I felt that I was doing everything I could to avoid salt, but your book helped me see there was even more I could do. Once I began following some of your recommendations, I was able to lower my blood pressure medication.” 

– Cheryl Callahan, Information Technology Specialist.

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